#pragma semicolon 1 #include #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.0" #define PLUGIN_BUILD "" #define PLUGIN_BUILD_DATE "01052009" public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "16k - RoundMoney", author = "MadMakz (Cyber Games X24)", description = "Set the players money amount for each round/spawn", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "http://cgx24.com" }; new Handle:OnOff; new Handle:DoAmount; new g_iAccount = -1; public OnPluginStart() { g_iAccount = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount"); CreateConVar("16k_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "16k - RoundMoney version", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); OnOff = CreateConVar("16k_enable","1","1 on 0 off"); DoAmount = CreateConVar("16k_amount","16000","How much money to set on player_spawn?"); HookEvent("player_spawn", Spawn); } public Spawn(Handle: event , const String: name[] , bool: dontBroadcast) { new clientID = GetEventInt(event,"userid"); new client = GetClientOfUserId(clientID); if(GetConVarInt(OnOff)) { SetMoney(client,GetConVarInt(DoAmount)); } } public SetMoney(client, amount) { if (g_iAccount != -1) { SetEntData(client, g_iAccount, amount); } }